Festival season might be almost over for 2018 but its never too early to start focusing on the year ahead. 2019 is going to be a big year for companies and vendors alike to really make strides into Green packaging, and no we don’t mean the colour.
With the ban on single use plastics looming, and the Eco social responsibility that companies must help reduce overall plastic/non-recyclable waste, where better to start your Sustainable Packaging journey
Street food is the big festival pleaser and that’s not going to change any time soon, so with eco conscious consumers, we offer biodegradable or recyclable options for hot food, cold food and drinks.
Street food has evolved over the last few years in a brilliant way, no longer does street food mean a scabby burger on the way home after a night out, now you can get street food from every corner of the world, from gourmet hot dogs, to French inspired Crepes, and exotic Thai, or Filipino food. The world is your culinary oyster.
At GM we are focusing on helping you to get the best biodegradable or recyclable, sustainable options for your business.